26th January, 2010.
INDIA - the largest democracy and 6th largest country in the world and one of the most ancient and living civilizations. A country where the citizens are proud of their nation and the nation is proud of its citizens. A country which has taught the world to live in peace and harmony. It has been 61 yrs for now that we have established our own constitution. And during these years it has emerged as one of the world's fastest developing nation. So on this 61st Republic Day of INDIA, we, all the citizens of Indian would like to pay tribute to a Nation that has given them such pride and honour. "JAI HIND"
Composition by : Suraj Reddy
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INDIA - the largest democracy and 6th largest country in the world and one of the most ancient and living civilizations. A country where the citizens are proud of their nation and the nation is proud of its citizens. A country which has taught the world to live in peace and harmony. It has been 61 yrs for now that we have established our own constitution. And during these years it has emerged as one of the world's fastest developing nation. So on this 61st Republic Day of INDIA, we, all the citizens of Indian would like to pay tribute to a Nation that has given them such pride and honour. "JAI HIND"
Composition by : Suraj Reddy
Click on any image to enlarge it.